What is a mobile calibration service?

Ensuring the accuracy of measurement instruments is crucial to prevent product defects and retain customers/profits. Traditionally, the calibration of these instruments occurs in specialised laboratories, a process essential for guaranteeing their accuracy and precision. However, the logistics involved in off-site calibration can disrupt manufacturing operations, causing temporary halts in productivity.

Mobile calibration services provide a seamless solution to this issue by offering on-site calibration, eliminating the need to send equipment away. This article explores mobile calibration in depth, highlighting the advantages it can offer to your operations.

The need for mobile calibration services

Calibration leads to the downtime of operations whilst necessary equipment is being tested at a laboratory. For operations that are in particularly remote locations, this downtime can last weeks​​. On top of this, the logistics of organising a backlog of equipment to send to a lab moves quality managers away from other important tasks, highlighting the need for remote calibration services. 

Features of mobile calibration

Convenient calibration 

Mobile calibration services bring testing to the client’s location, significantly reducing the logistical burden of equipment calibration. This on-site service is designed to fit seamlessly into the client's schedule, minimising disruption to their operations​​ and eliminating the need for the sorting and shipping of testing equipment. 

Diverse testing 

Whether it's length, angles, mass or force, mobile services cover almost all mechanical equipment. The versatility of these services ensures that all calibration needs are met on-site, irrespective of the industry or the type of equipment​​​​.

National traceability 

Mobile calibration services are performed by professionals who ensure that calibration meets national traceability and ISO standards.​​​ This reassures businesses of the service’s quality and compliance with global standards, regardless of it being outside of a lab. 

Benefits of mobile calibration

  • Minimised downtime: One of the primary advantages of mobile calibration is the reduction of operational downtime. By calibrating equipment on-site, businesses can continue their operations with minimal interruptions, ensuring productivity is maintained​​.
  • Clearing equipment backlog: Mobile calibration services can handle large volumes of equipment in a single visit, effectively managing and clearing any backlog of instruments awaiting calibration. This ensures all equipment is up-to-date with industry specific standards, maintaining operational efficiency​​.
  • Convenience and compliance assured: As well as being extremely convenient, mobile calibration services ensure compliance with international standards. This provides businesses with the confidence that their instruments meet all required calibration criteria​​​​​​ without waiting weeks for equipment to come back from a lab.

Choose DM for your mobile calibration needs

Mobile calibration services represent a significant advancement in how businesses manage the accuracy and reliability of their measurement instruments. By providing accredited, versatile, and convenient calibration directly at the client's location, these services offer a solution that minimises downtime, efficiently manages equipment calibration backlogs and ensures compliance with international standards.

At DM, we know the quicker your test equipment is calibrated, the more business you are able to complete. That is why our mobile calibration services are designed to perform convenient on-site testing that also meets the same high standards for quality as you would expect from off-site calibration. On top of that, our on-site service caters for all major measurement tooling gauges and a wide range of equipment including micrometres, torque devices and weighing scales. 

To find out more about our mobile calibration services to bring convenience to your equipment testing, contact a member of our team today. 

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